Here is a brief rundown of my recent trip to Washington State Summer Con 2024. (It’s literally a five-minute drive from my house.)

I met with New York Times Bestselling Author Timothy Zahn and discussed his Star Wars: Heir to the Empire trilogy, the first and best Star Wars extended universe/sequel books. Once he learned I was an author and publisher myself, he talked about his son’s (Corwin Zahn) editing business and then signed my copy of Heir to the Empire with a nod to Noble Worlds Press. Timothy was an awesome guy all around.

Later, I happened upon famed Marvel and DC Comics writer/artist Jim Starlin. Among his many other accomplishments, he created the character of Thanos seen in many iconic comic books and, of course, the recent Avengers movies. We briefly discussed his falling out with Marvel and how he’s now focused on his creator-owned properties, Dreadstar and Breed. He, too, was not only gracious enough to sign my Dreadstar graphic novel, but also included Noble Worlds Press in the dedication. Another very cool guy.

These signatures go great with last year’s from Terry Brooks, who also acknowledged Noble Worlds Press in his autograph. 🙂

Beyond that, I generally milled around checking out the booths and costumes, where I happened to catch Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Gates McFadden wrapping up an autograph session. Unfortunately, the picture didn’t turn out great since I was standing so far away.
I ended the day chatting up numerous independent authors and illustrators, who were all extremely fun, friendly, and more than happy to discuss their works and inspirations. With any luck, Noble Worlds Press will have a booth there in the next year or two. 🙂
Oh, and I found Waldo.

– Michael, Owner/Publisher @ Noble Worlds Press