J. Brandon Barnes is an autodidact and would-be Renaissance Man. He actively studies language, philosophy, psychology, science, logic, theology, and design. He holds undergraduate degrees in Radio-Television-Film and Electronics, has formally studied Computer Science, and holds a Masters in English Literature.
A serial entrepreneur, he has owned numerous technology companies and has spent his career as a programmer, network analyst, and technology consultant. He has also taught Computer Science and Cybersecurity.
Brandon collects tools, fine art, passport stamps, cats, and any bit of random knowledge that might one day save his life. He’s passionate about books, film, music, and all forms of knowledge. He plays guitar, bass, and piano with equal devotion and incompetence. He’s been a writer and lyricist since the mid ‘90s.
He has written Doppelgängers (a free sci-fi short story) and The Gates of Yoffa (a full-length sci-fi adventure novel). Both are available through Noble Worlds Press.
Website: www.jbbarnes.com
Facebook: J. Brandon Barnes, Author
E-Mail: author@jbbarnes.com
Amazon Page: J. Brandon Barnes

tl;dr Old Guy rambling.
Multiple people have told me I had to tell readers something about myself. I assumed they meant something interesting, which feels unfortunate to me, but I’ll give it a whirl.
I find many things interesting and have engaged in a plethora of hobbies in my life. Since the ’60s I have built static models of almost any subject—tanks, airplanes, spaceships, Gundam, cars. I’ve also built and flown model and high-powered rockets. And I owned a hobby shop for a few years on the side.
I was big into astronomy back in the ‘70s and still have a couple of telescopes that unfortunately haven’t seen starlight in decades.
Collecting and shooting firearms has been fun—I’ve scored reasonably well in service rifle matches. I mostly read military history, science fiction, Bible, forum postings, and program code. I’ve studied a lot of code at work. Some of it was not particularly good which can be a little distressing when I’m the author of said code.
I haven’t read a lot of fantasy beyond Tolkien—but to establish my bona fides, in high school I had a German Shepherd named Eowyn and a framed poster of Middle Earth hanging in my bedroom.
I’ve been interested in the martial arts since watching David Carradine in Kung Fu when it first aired.
My life has always included music in one form or another. My earliest memories include sitting in my little rocking chair while listening to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture on the record player. From around 1970 through last Tuesday, I’ve played the drums. (I suppose I play at a semi-professional level, but I’ll let the rest of the rhythm section make that call.)
But more important than hobbies and music is Her Hotness and my family. And last, but not least by any stretch of the imagination, the One.
David is currently working on Forsaking: Remembrances of Yua, the first book in a powerful new science fantasy trilogy.
Website: www.NobleWorlds.com

Michael is a 25-year publishing veteran and founder of Noble Worlds Press. He has worked every publishing job known to man, plus a few more, and has written everything from short stories, video scripts, and game design documents, to scientific white papers, corporate presentations, and marketing communications. (A list of professional accomplishments can be found HERE.)
An avid reader of science fiction and fantasy novels since he was five years old, Michael has a particular fondness for Golden Age authors such as H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, and Robert E. Howard.
With an extensive background in writing, science, theology, and pop culture, Michael’s mission is to recapture the wonder of vintage science fiction and fantasy, taking readers on spectacular new adventures to places–and ideas–they have never experienced before.
Fun Fact #1: Michael went to high school with Mark Tedin and Anson Maddocks, two of the original artists for Magic: The Gathering.
Fun Fact #2: Michael has been to Israel, Petra, Area 51, Roswell, Newgrange, Skywalker Ranch, Devil’s Tower, the Bermuda Triangle, the Ark Encounter, and the Adam West Batcave.
Fun Fact #3: Michael has met Leonard Nimoy, Terry Brooks, Timothy Zahn, Jim Starlin, David Brin, Ann Nocenti, Bob Layton, Larry Hama, and Kurt Busiek, plus attended a private luncheon where Christopher Reeve was the keynote speaker.
Fun Fact #4: A lifelong drummer and a Music/Business double major in college, Michael once studied under Gordy Knudtson (drummer for the Steve Miller Band), was in a band with radio airplay in 5 states, and was a contract talent scout for Centricity Records (the record label for Circleslide, Downhere, and Lauren Daigle).
Michael lives near Seattle, WA, has been married for over 20 years, has a son studying business at Baylor University, and is currently writing MONARCH, the first novel in the Heath Honeyman Ark Hives sci-fi adventure trilogy.
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